News from the Comstock
In The Spirit of Mark Twain
Territorial Enterprise
Virginia City, Nevada



CAUTION! -- PERSONS investing in the Washoe Silver Mines, are particularly cautioned against purchasing interests in what is called the "Billy Chollar ground," between Virginia City and Gold Hill, as the undersigned (with Moore, Lawrence, and others) claims by location, and holds by possession, eight hundred feet upon the Comstock Ledge, immediately west and adjoining the aforesaid Chollar claim, and will resist all aggressions or encroachments made by the Chollar Company, by every legal and honorable means the Territory affords.

THE BEST YET--Yesterday and the day before, Wells, Fargo & Co. shipped 127 bars of bullion weighing 8,700 pounds, and worth as per assay, $225,000. This is the greatest shipment ever made from this side of the Sierra Nevada. Well may we feel proud. We hardly think there is a State in the Union which ships pure clean money at the rate of $100,000 a day. Guess not.


A RAID ON THE SAVAGE.--Last night about 12 o'clock the whole crowd of young ladies connected with the Colville Comic Opera Company, now performing at Piper's Opera House, visited the Savage mine and descended to the lower levels.

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